- 9th Jul 2024
- 18:20 pm
- Adan Salman
You have given a working Python coding with Pysimplegui for watermarking app and you need modification to include: 1) Total Image Scanned 2) Save Folder option 3) (Most important) Process status/Progress bar and also the report related to it: Total Image Watermarked Processing Time: Finished at: This is the full Python coding combine with Pysimplegui for everything else other than:
- Total Image Scanned
- Save Folder option
- Process Status with:
- Total Image Watermarked:
- Processing Time
- Finished at:
Python Coding With Pysimplegui For Watermarking App - Get Assignment Solution
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Free Assignment Solution - Python Coding With Pysimplegui For Watermarking App
Python Script for the images watermarking application.
#importing necessary libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import os
import time,datetime
# function that creates the watermark
Arguments description:
folder: the folder where the images are stored
file: the file name of the image
text: the text to be watermarked
opacity: the opacity of the watermark
fontSize: the font size of the text
def watermark(folder,file,folderOutput,text,opacity,fontSize):
fontSize = fontSize//10 #converting the font size to the size of scale as cv2 only supports image scale of 1 to 10(very large)
opacity = opacity/100 # converting the opacity to the scale of cv2
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder,file)) # reading the image
overlay = img.copy() # copying the image for overlay purpose (used later for the opacity)
font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # keeping the font as FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
# Calculating the center coordinates for the text
textsize = cv2.getTextSize(text, font, fontSize, 2)[0]
textX = (img.shape[1] - textsize[0]) // 2
textY = (img.shape[0] + textsize[1]) // 2
# Adding the text to the image with color black and thickness of 2
cv2.putText(img, text, (textX,textY), font, fontSize, (0, 0, 0), 2)
# Alpha value for opacity of the overlay
alpha = 1 - opacity
cv2.addWeighted(overlay, alpha, img, 1 - alpha,0, img)
# the final watermarked file would be saved in the same folder as the image_name + _watermarked.[.jpg/.jpeg/.png]
file = file.split('.')
name = file[0]
extension = file[1]
# writing the image
Below is the code for making the GUI using PySimpleGUI
# choices list stores the image file names in the folder selected by the user
choices = []
logs = []
# column1
col1 = [
[sg.Text('Input Images Folder:'), sg.In(size=(25,1), enable_events=True ,key='-FOLDER-'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
[sg.Text('Image Files in the selected folder that would be watermarked:')],
[sg.Listbox(choices, size=(40, len(choices)), key='-FILES-')],
[sg.Text('Total Images Scanned: '), sg.Text('0', key='-TOTAL-',text_color='black',background_color='white'),],
# column2
col2 = [[sg.T("")],
[sg.Text('Font Opacity(0-100) '), sg.In(size=(18,1), enable_events=True ,key='-OPACITY-')],
[ sg.Text('Font Size(10-100) '), sg.In(size=(18,1), enable_events=True ,key='-FONT_SIZE-')],
[ sg.Text('Water Mark Text '), sg.In(size=(18,1), enable_events=True ,key='-TEXT-')],
# column3
col3 = [
[sg.Text('Save Folder:'), sg.In(size=(25,1), enable_events=True ,key='-SAVE_FOLDER-'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
[sg.Text('Process Status: '), sg.Text('Idle', key='-PROCESS_STATUS-',text_color='black',background_color='white'),],
[sg.Listbox(logs, size=(40, len(choices)), key='-LOGS-'),sg.Button('Start', key='-START-'),sg.Button('Exit', key='-EXIT-')]
# final layout
layout = [
sg.VSeperator(pad=(0, 0)),
sg.VSeperator(pad=(0, 0)),
# creating the window
window = sg.Window('Watermarking Application', layout,auto_size_text=True,
auto_size_buttons=True, resizable=True, grab_anywhere=False, border_depth=5,
default_element_size=(15, 1), finalize=True, element_justification='l')
# GUI event loop
while True:
event, values = window.read()
# if the event is to close the window
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, '-EXIT-'):
# if the event is to browse the folder
if event == '-FOLDER-':
folder = values['-FOLDER-']
files = []
if folder is not None and folder != '':
files = os.listdir(folder)
choices =[]
for file in files:
if file.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', 'jpeg')):
window['-FILES-'].update( values=choices)
# if the event is to start the watermarking
if event == '-START-':
text = values['-TEXT-']
opacity = (values['-OPACITY-'])
fontSize = (values['-FONT_SIZE-'])
# checks for the validity of the input
if text==None or fontSize==None or opacity==None:
sg.popup('Please enter all the fields!')
opacity = int(opacity)
if opacity<0 or opacity>100:
sg.popup('Please enter a valid opacity value!')
sg.popup('Please enter a valid opacity value!')
fontSize = int(fontSize)
if fontSize<10 or fontSize>100:
sg.popup('Please enter a valid font size value!')
sg.popup('Please enter a valid font size value!')
folder = values['-FOLDER-']
folderOutput = values['-SAVE_FOLDER-']
if folder == None or folder == "":
sg.popup('Please select a folder to save the watermarked images!')
# calling the watermark function to watermark the images
window['-PROCESS_STATUS-'].update('Processing Images...')
start = time.time()
for file in choices:
end = time.time()
now = datetime.datetime.now()
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
logs = [
f"Total watermarked images: {len(choices)}",
f"Processing time: {end-start} seconds",
f"Finished at time: {current_time}"
sg.popup('Watermarking Completed!')
End of the script
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About The Author - Emma Smith
Emma Smith is an experienced software developer skilled in Python and adept at using PySimpleGUI to create intuitive user interfaces. With a focus on application enhancement, Emma is dedicated to integrating advanced features such as progress bars and status reports to optimize user interaction and workflow efficiency.