# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Automatically generated by Colaboratory.
Original file is located at
# Question 1:
supplier_102={ "city": "Lake Peterfurt",
"contact_firstname": "Lucas",
"contact_lastname": "Reyes",
"contact_title": "Mr",
"country": "Australia",
"email": "lucas7404.reyes@gmail.com",
"notes": "",
"phone": "(02) 2310 6339",
"postcode": 2634,
"state": "Reyes",
"street_address": "09 /n 0 Tara Laneway",
"supplier_id": 102,
"supplier_name": "Mata, Townsend and Black"
# 1. Print all the keys from the dictionary
print("All the keys from the dictionary are: ",supplier_102.keys())
# 2. Print all the values from the dictionary
print("All the values from the dictionary are: ", supplier_102.values())
# 3. Check if item ‘mobile’ exists and print an appropriate message
if "mobile" in supplier_102:
print("Yes, mobile exists in the supplier_102 ")
print("No, mobile does not exists in the supplier_102 ")
# 4. Delete all items from the dictionary and print
print("Updated Supplier_102 is as follows: ",supplier_102)
# Question 2:
suppliers = [
"city":"St. Kellyton",
"phone":"(03) 9269 4800",
"street_address":"2 Alexander Grove",
"supplier_name":"Ferguson Inc"},
"city":"Lake Peterfurt",
"phone":"(02) 2310 6339",
"street_address":"09 /n 0 Tara Laneway",
"supplier_name":"Mata, Townsend and Black"},
"phone":"(07) 2644 5735",
"street_address":"Suite 071n 3 Cody Upper",
"supplier_name":"White, Vargas and Ballard"}
# 1. Find the length of list
print("The length of the list suppliers is: ", len(suppliers))
# 2. Change “supplier_name” of supplier with “supplier_id”=102 from “Mata, Townsend and Black” to “Mata, Townsend and Black & Co"
for dicti in suppliers:
if (dicti["supplier_id"] == 102):
dicti["supplier_name"]= "Mata, Townsend and Black & Co"
print("Modified Dictionary:",dicti)
# 3. Add a new supplier to the list
new_supplier= {"city":"",
print("New Supplier_id added in supplier list:")
for dicti in suppliers:
# 4. Remove supplier with “supplier_id” =103
for dicti in suppliers:
if (dicti["supplier_id"] == 103):
print("The updated suppleir list is as follows (deleted suplier having id 103):")
for dicti in suppliers:
# Question 3
lst_num=[1, 25, 2, 30, 8]
def max_items(items):
maxm = 0
for i in items:
if i > maxm:
maxm= i
return maxm
# Question 4:
suppliers= [
"city":"St. Kellyton",
"phone":"(03) 9269 4800",
"street_address":"2 Alexander Grove",
"supplier_name":"Ferguson Inc"},
"city":"Lake Peterfurt",
"phone":"(02) 2310 6339",
"street_address":"09 /n 0 Tara Laneway",
"supplier_name":"Mata, Townsend and Black"},
"phone":"(07) 2644 5735",
"street_address":"Suite 071n 3 Cody Upper",
"supplier_name":"White, Vargas and Ballard"}
for dicti in suppliers:
print("List of Supplier Names are as follows: ",name_lst)
print("List converted into a Single String is as follows:")
print("; ".join(name_lst))
# Question 5:
prod_104 = {"discontinued":0,
"product_category":"Personal Computers",
"product_description":"8 inch Display (1920×1200)",
"product_name":"NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet (WiFi)",
print("The Dictionary prod_104 is as follow: ")
print(prod_104 )
# Question 6:
suppliers= [
"city":"St. Kellyton",
"(03) 9269 4800",
"street_address":"2 Alexander Grove",
"supplier_name":"Ferguson Inc"
"city":"Lake Peterfurt",
"phone":"(02) 2310 6339",
"street_address":"09 /n 0 Tara Laneway",
"supplier_name":"Mata, Townsend and Black"
"phone":"(07) 2644 5735",
"street_address":"Suite 071n 3 Cody Upper",
"supplier_name":"White, Vargas and Ballard"}
resulted_list = list(filter(lambda x: x["city"] in ["Parkerborough", "Lake Peterfurt"], suppliers))
print("Length of resulted_list: ",len(resulted_list))
print("The resulted list is as follows: ")
# Question 7:
suppliers = [
"city":"St. Kellyton",
"phone":"(03) 9269 4800",
"street_address":"2 Alexander Grove",
"supplier_name":"Ferguson Inc"
"city":"Lake Peterfurt",
"phone":"(02) 2310 6339",
"street_address":"09 /n 0 Tara Laneway",
"supplier_name":"Mata, Townsend and Black"},
"phone":"(07) 2644 5735",
"street_address":"Suite 071n 3 Cody Upper",
"supplier_name":"White, Vargas and Ballard"}
result = list(map(lambda x: str(x["supplier_id"])+"-"+x["supplier_name"] , suppliers))
# Question 8:
from datetime import datetime
# Convert a date string in the format “dd/mm/yyyy” to a date object and print it
date_string = '21/02/2020'
datetime_object = datetime.strptime(date_string, '%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%m/%d/%y')
print("Converted Date-Time object in python: ",datetime_object)
#Create a date object using the values (2020, 3, 20)
x = datetime(2020, 3, 20)
print("A date object using the values (2020, 3, 20):",x.strftime("%d/%m/%y"))
# Question 9
import re
phone_num = "(03) 9269 4800"
start = re.escape("(")
end = re.escape(")")
code = re.search('%s(.*)%s' % (start, end), phone_num).group(1)
"city":"St. Kellyton",
"phone":"(03) 9269 4800",
"street_address":"2 Alexander Grove",
"supplier_name":"Ferguson Inc"
class Supplier:
# The init method or constructor
def __init__(self, supplier):
# Instance Variable
self.city = supplier["city"]
self.contact_firstname= supplier["contact_firstname"]
self.contact_lastname = supplier["contact_lastname"]
self.contact_title = supplier["contact_title"]
self.country= supplier["country"]
self.email= supplier["email"]
self.notes= supplier["notes"]
self.phone= supplier["phone"]
self.postcode= supplier["postcode"]
self.state= supplier["state"]
self.street_address= supplier["street_address"]
self.supplier_id= supplier["supplier_id"]
self.supplier_name= supplier["supplier_name"]
# Adds an instance variable
def set_supplier_name(self, supplier_name):
self.supplier_name = supplier_name
# Retrieves instance variable
def get_supplier_details(self):
return str(self.supplier_id) + "-" + self.supplier_name
supp= Supplier(supplier2)
supp2 = Supplier(supplier2)