- 22nd Jan 2024
- 13:21 pm
- Admin
Develop the employee wage calculation application using Python 3. The company wants to calculate employee income based on the number of hours worked. The program should involve the calculation of income tax, superannuation, deductions, and other additional elements related to wages. This report will provide all information regarding the development process, pseudocode, and flowchart involved in the development of functional software applications for this financial organization. This provides complete information on high-level programming models and support in implementing fields of programming concepts as required.
Pseudocode and Flow Chart
The pseudocode is created for the entire income calculation program.
- Step 1: Get User Input of Employee Name
- Step 2: Get User Input of HoursWorked and HourlyRate
- Step 3: Check whether the input valid or not
- If input is not valid prompt to get user input
- Else go to Step 4
- Step 4: Calculate Income
- Income = HoursWorked * HourlyRate
- Step 5: Calculate IncomeTax Deduction with 20% Tax rate
- IncomeTax = income * taxrate
- Step 6: Calculate Superannuation Deduction with 10% Superannuation rate
- Superannuation = income * Superannuation rate
- Step 7: Print the Result
The pseudocode provides all the key steps involved in the program from the input collection, calculation of income and performing taxation and etc. It also provides information that the output displays to the user. The user can able to adjust the program according to their needs.
Flow Chart
Figure 1 Flowchart for program
The above given flowchart uses standardized flow in dealing with the given case information. From the algorithm developed, all the key steps and their interaction on program is provided. The users or developers can able to spell out the logic behind program and to automate their entire process (Joshuva, 2022). This shows overall relationship between input, process, and output of the program. This will helpful for all the stakeholder to share ideas and communicate with them. The employee wages calculating program focuses on addressing all the inputs, process and outputs. In overall the visual representation of the program function is clearly depicted in the flowchart.
Program Implementation
Python Code
def calculateIncomeTax(Income):
#income tax deduction Calculation based on the given income
tax_rate = 20/100 #20% is taxed
return tax_rate * Income
def calculateSuperannuation(Income):
#superannuation deduction Calculation based on the given income
super_rate = 10/100 # Superannuation rate is 10%
return super_rate * Income
def printTaxInfo(EmployeeName, Income, IncomeTax, Superannuation):
#Display Result
print(" \n------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
print("| Employee Name | Income | Income Tax Deduction | Superannuation Deduction |")
print(f"| {EmployeeName:<14}| ${Income:<10.2f}| ${IncomeTax:<20.2f}| ${Superannuation:<24.2f}|")
print(" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
def main():
while True:
#Get User input of employee name
EmployeeName = input("\nEnter Employee Name: ")
#Get User input of HoursWorked
HoursWorked = float(input("\nEnter Hours Worked: "))
#Get User input of HourlyRate
HourlyRate = float(input("\nEnter Hourly Rate: "))
if HoursWorked < 0 or HourlyRate < 0:
raise ValueError("Hours worked and hourly rate must be Positive number")
except ValueError:
#print error message
print("\nInvalid input. Please enter Valid Input")
#calculate the income
Income = HoursWorked * HourlyRate
#calculate the IncomeTax
IncomeTax = calculateIncomeTax(Income)
#calculate the Superannuation
Superannuation = calculateSuperannuation(Income)
#Print Employee Tax Information
printTaxInfo(EmployeeName, Income, IncomeTax, Superannuation)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Thus the taxcalculation.py is developed. The program is developed by applying all the concepts of python and logically used all indentation. The calculate income tax and calculate superannuation function are used for calculating the deduction based on the user income. This will helpful in maintaining the taxation rate for each employee (Joshuva, 2022). All the taxation function was focusing on employee tax information gathering overall information.
In the main function of the program, the prompt will collect input from the user and to perform calculation. There were several loops are provided within the function and to handle it effectively with input validation. The wage calculation program ensures number of hour workers and to manage their negative model. The program will perform overall calculation of income, income tax and superannuation (Gandhi, 2021). Then it focuses on passing information and to display the results effectively. The loop can able to handle if the user input us negative and arise errors. In overall the program have well-structured with input validation, functional modularity and formatted output.
Input Validation
In the developed program, all the inputs are validated using specific function. The while, try, input method, float of input method, value error, continue and else block method are utilized.
- The while is used for creating infinite loop for providing prompt and perform validation.
- The try block is used to execute the code effectively.
- In this input function, users can able to provide their personal information through prompt.
- The float used on the conversion of user input will able to manage the exception raises from user side.
- The exceptional value error block is implemented to manage the catches and prints error message.
- Continue is used for starting the loop and perform next iterations.
- Else is used for blocking the complete one without raising the exception.
Coding Standards
In the python program, we have used the functional mourality principle. There are totally 4 methods such as calculateIncomeTax, calculateSuperannuation, printTaxInfo, and main are used for promoting modularity and readability of texts. All the variables are clearly labelled that shows that the program is well created. The variable names were utilized such as EmployeeName, HoursWorked, HourlyRate, Income, IncomeTax, and Superannuation.
The program provides detailed outcome using formatted strings. The presentation f output is managed to show the wage standards in table format. The main function is established with conditional statement for execution of modular code.
Test case 1
I have provided input for employee name, hours woeers and hourly rate of that employee as mentioned in the screen.
Expected Output:
It is expected to provide the income, income tax deduction, and superannuation deduction in a formatted table.
Test case 2
Similarly, the second test case is also performed. Similarly, the information have given and it seems that the program calculated accurately.
Expected output
The program should display valid output and passed the test case.
Gandhi, P. (2021, September 30). Python programming concepts that made my code efficient! Medium. https://towardsdatascience.com/python-programming-concepts-that-made-my-code-efficient-68f92f8a39d0
Joshuva. (2022). Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3. Learn Data Science and AI Online | DataCamp. https://www.datacamp.com/blog/how-to-learn-python-expert-guide