- 5th Jun 2019
- 04:07 am
- Admin
The below program is a Ricochet Robots game. It is a text-based version of the game where you move robots on a board to get a designated robot to a specific letter position. The code uses a linked list to store the game history, allowing the player to undo moves.
#include // For file input and output
#include // for getline
#include // for the system command
#include // For the letter checking functions, e.g. toupper( )
using namespace std;
/* ------------------------------------------------
Program #6: Ricochet Robots with undo
Class: CS 141
Author: Dale Reed
Lab: Tues 5am
System: C++ Mac Xcode
Grading Rubric:
55 points for execution (feedback given automatically through Zylabs)
45 points for programming style
(15 points) Linked list node declaration is separate from code otherwise used to play the game from the previous version
(15 points) Linked list code is clearly commented
(15 points) Appropriate data structures are used to implement the linked list, as discussed and illustrated in class
// Global data structure for board
const int BOARD_EDGE = 16;
const int NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS = 4;
// declare constants to later use instead of numbers to select values from theBoard
const int NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = 5; // Number of elements for each piece, enumerated below
const int PIECE = 0; // to reference the character, such as in: theBoard[ i][ PIECE]
const int LEFT = 1; // to reference the left wall character, such as in: theBoard[ i][ LEFT]
const int ABOVE = 2; // to reference the above wall character, such as in: theBoard[ i][ ABOVE]
const int RIGHT = 3; // to reference the right wall character, such as in: theBoard[ i][ RIGHT]
const int BELOW = 4; // to reference the below wall character, such as in: theBoard[ i][ BELOW]
class Board
Board(int goalRobot = 2, char destinationLetter = 'M');
void readFromFile();
void display();
void displayObjective();
void clearDestinationPieces();
//void moveRobot(int moveCount);
void moveRobot(int robot, char directionLetter);
void moveRobotUp(int robot);
void moveRobotRight(int robot);
void moveRobotLeft(int robot);
void moveRobotDown(int robot);
int getRobotAt( int index) const;
int getNumberOfDestinationPieces() const;
int getNumberOfRobots() const;
int getGoalRobot() const;
char getDestinationLetter() const;
void setGoalRobot(int robot);
void setDestinationLetter(char destination);
bool isOver() const;
bool isOccupied(int position) const;
// theBoard itself is represented by a one-dimensional array.
// The other entries are used to keep track of walls. Each row
// in theBoard array will contain the character to be displayed,
// followed by any "walls" to be displayed around the displayed
// character. For instance the first couple of entries are be:
// ---0--- --1- --2- --3- --4-
// 0 . | _
// 1 . _
// ...
// 255 . | _
// Declare the 4 robots, which will store the board position of where they are found
// Robots are displayed using values 1-4. We declare 5 robots, though we will never use
// the 0th robot in the array, so that we can use the robot digit itself as the index.
int theRobots[ NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS + 1];
// Number of destination pieces. Value comes from the data file.
int numberOfDestinationPieces;
int goalRobot; // the robot that needs to reach the goal
char destinationLetter; // the goal letter
Board::Board(int goal, char destination)
// default values
goalRobot = goal;
destinationLetter = destination;
numberOfDestinationPieces = 0;
for (int j = 0; j <= NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS; j++){
theRobots[j] = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
theBoard[ i][ PIECE] = '.'; // Set each playing piece default
// set the default wall values to be blank
theBoard[ i][ LEFT] = ' ';
theBoard[ i][ ABOVE] = ' ';
theBoard[ i][ RIGHT] = ' ';
theBoard[ i][ BELOW] = ' ';
// reset the edge pieces
// reset the left wall if piece is on left edge
if( (i % BOARD_EDGE) == 0) {
theBoard[ i][ LEFT] = '|';
// reset the above wall if piece is on top edge
if( i < BOARD_EDGE) {
theBoard[ i][ ABOVE] = '-';
// reset the right wall if piece is on right edge
if( ((i+1) % BOARD_EDGE) == 0) {
theBoard[ i][ RIGHT] = '|';
// reset the below wall if piece is on bottom edge
if( i >= (BOARD_SIZE - BOARD_EDGE) ) {
theBoard[ i][ BELOW] = '-';
}//end for( int i...
}//end Board()
// Display the Board
void Board::display()
// display the top edge
cout << " ---------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl;
// display the "body" of the board
for( int i = 0; i< BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
// Figure out what character should be displayed to the left. It will
// be a wall if the current spot has a left wall, or if the spot to the
// left has a right wall.
char leftCharacter = theBoard[ i][ LEFT]; // set left display char
// See if the piece to the left has a right wall. Don't do this for the
// first piece on the board, since it has no left neighbor.
if ( (i>0) && (theBoard[ i-1][ RIGHT] != ' ')) {
leftCharacter = theBoard[ i-1][ RIGHT];
char piece = theBoard[ i][ PIECE];
// Check if the piece contains a robot
for (int j = 1; j <= NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS; j++){
if (theRobots[j] == i) {
piece = (char)('0'+j);
cout << " " << leftCharacter << " " << piece;
// see if we're at the end of a row
if( ((i+1) % BOARD_EDGE) == 0) {
// we are at the end of a row, so display right wall and go to next line
cout << " " << theBoard[ i][ RIGHT] << endl;
// Now display any walls immediately below the line of pieces just displayed
// Backup our index counter j to the beginning of this line again, to find any
// walls displayed below this line. Don't do it for the bottom row though.
cout << " |"; // display the left boundary
for( int j=i-BOARD_EDGE+1; j<(i+1); j++) {
// Set the character to be displayed. This is a wall if the
// current spot has a wall below, or if the spot below has a wall
// above.
char belowCharacter = theBoard[ j][ BELOW];
// Only check the square below if we're NOT on the bottom row
if ( (j<(BOARD_SIZE - BOARD_EDGE)) && // verify not on bottom row
(theBoard[ j+16][ ABOVE] != ' ')) { // piece below has wall above
belowCharacter = theBoard[ j+16][ ABOVE];
for( int i=0; i<3; i++) {
cout << belowCharacter; // display the character
// display extra spaces, if we're not at the end of a row
if( ((j+1) % BOARD_EDGE) != 0) {
cout << " ";
}//end for( int j...
cout << " |" << endl; // display the right boundary
}//end if( i< BOARD_SIZE...
}//end if( ((i+1...
}//end for( int i=0;...
// display the bottom edge
cout << " ---------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl;
cout << endl;
}//end display()
// readFromFile() - Read from data file, updating board accordingly
void Board::readFromFile()
int numberOfSpecialSquares; // Read from file, denotes number of pieces with some kind of wall
string inputLine; // Input line from file
int pieceNumber; // pieceNumber for each square defined in data file
char c;
ifstream inStream; // declare an input file stream
inStream.open("board.txt"); // Open input file, associating the actual file name with "inStream"
if ( inStream.fail() ) {
cout << "Input file opening failed. Exiting...\n\n";
// Read from file one line at a time. First read the top three data file lines which are documentation.
getline( inStream, inputLine);
getline( inStream, inputLine);
getline( inStream, inputLine);
inStream >> numberOfDestinationPieces; // read how many destination pieces there are
inStream >> numberOfSpecialSquares; // number of square with walls around them somewhere
inStream.get( c); // Get rid of return character at end of current line
// to get ready for reading a line at a time below
// process the special squares, updating the board
for( int i=0; i getline( inStream, inputLine);
char *pInputLine = &inputLine[0];
// Extract the piece number from the input line array
sscanf( pInputLine, "%d", &pieceNumber);
// Advance the inputLine pointer to the space after the number
pInputLine = strchr( pInputLine, ' ');
// Read the information on whether or not there is each of the potential 4 walls.
// The four values read correspond in order to the pieces on all four sides,
// which are defined as global constants for the values LEFT=1, ABOVE=2, RIGHT=3, BELOW=4
for( int position=1; position<=4; position++) {
pInputLine++; // advance to next character to be read
sscanf( pInputLine, " %c", &c); // Read the next potential wall character
// Convert it to a blank if it was '0'. '0' was left in input file to make it easier to read.
if( c=='0') {
c = ' ';
theBoard[ pieceNumber][ position] = c;
// See if there is a piece letter still to be read on this input line.
// Do this by finding the end of the line, and seeing the length of the string
// after that.
// An inputline sample for piece 18 would be:
// 18 00|- A
if( strlen( pInputLine) > 0) {
sscanf( pInputLine, " %c", &theBoard[ pieceNumber][ PIECE]);
}//end for( int i...
// At the end of the data file read the information on the location of the robots, updating the board.
char junk[80]; // used to read and discard input file information
// Loop starts counting from 1 (rather than 0), since we ignore the 0th position
// of the robots array, so that robot numbers correspond to what is shown
// on the board.
for( int i=1; i<=NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS; i++) {
inStream >> theRobots[ i];
inStream.getline( junk, '\n'); // discard rest of line, which is color information, if using graphics
inStream.close(); // close the input file stream
}//end readFromFile()
int Board::getRobotAt( int index) const
return theRobots[ index];
int Board::getNumberOfDestinationPieces() const {
return numberOfDestinationPieces;
int Board::getNumberOfRobots() const {
int Board::getGoalRobot() const {
return goalRobot;
char Board::getDestinationLetter() const {
return destinationLetter;
void Board::setGoalRobot(int robot)
goalRobot = robot;
void Board::setDestinationLetter(char destination)
destinationLetter = destination;
// isOver() Returns true if the goal Robot
// gets to the destinationLetter's position on the board
bool Board::isOver() const {
int robotPosition = theRobots[ goalRobot];
return theBoard[ robotPosition][ PIECE] == destinationLetter;
// Returns true is the position on the board is already occupied by any robot
bool Board::isOccupied(int position) const {
for (int j = 1; j <= NUMBER_OF_ROBOTS; j++) {
if (theRobots[j] == position) {
return true;
return false;
// clearDestinationPieces() - Removes all destination pieces from the board except
// for a single destinationLetter
void Board::clearDestinationPieces() {
for( int i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
if ( isupper(theBoard[ i][ PIECE]) && theBoard[ i][ PIECE] != destinationLetter) {
theBoard[ i][ PIECE] = '.'; // reset to the default
void Board::displayObjective() {
cout << "Move robot " << goalRobot << " to square " << destinationLetter << endl;
// Get the user input for the robot and direction
// and move that robot in given direction
void Board::moveRobot(int robot, char direction) {
// call the appropriate function to move the robot
// in the given direction
switch (direction) {
case 'U':
case 'R':
case 'L':
case 'D':
// cannot really get there
cout << "*** Error. Unexpected direction encountered" << endl;
} // end moveRobot
void Board::moveRobotUp(int robot) {
int robotPosition = theRobots[robot];
// loop until the top edge
while (robotPosition - BOARD_EDGE >= 0) {
// another robot occupies this position
if (isOccupied(robotPosition - BOARD_EDGE))
// a below side wall encountered
if (theBoard[robotPosition][ ABOVE] == '-' || theBoard[robotPosition - BOARD_EDGE][ BELOW] == '-')
robotPosition -= BOARD_EDGE;
theRobots[robot] = robotPosition;
void Board::moveRobotRight(int robot) {
int robotPosition = theRobots[robot];
// loop until the right edge
while ((robotPosition + 1) % BOARD_EDGE > 0) {
// another robot occupies this position
if (isOccupied(robotPosition + 1))
// a right side wall encountered
if (theBoard[robotPosition][ RIGHT] == '|' || theBoard[robotPosition + 1][ LEFT] == '|')
robotPosition += 1;
theRobots[robot] = robotPosition;
void Board::moveRobotLeft(int robot) {
int robotPosition = theRobots[robot];
// loop until the left edge
while ((robotPosition - 1) % BOARD_EDGE < theRobots[robot] % BOARD_EDGE) {
// another robot occupies this position
if (isOccupied(robotPosition - 1))
// a right side wall encountered
if (theBoard[robotPosition][ LEFT] == '|' || theBoard[robotPosition - 1][ RIGHT] == '|')
robotPosition -= 1;
theRobots[robot] = robotPosition;
void Board::moveRobotDown(int robot) {
int robotPosition = theRobots[robot];
// loop until the bottom edge
while (robotPosition + BOARD_EDGE < BOARD_SIZE) {
// another robot occupies this position
if (isOccupied(robotPosition + BOARD_EDGE))
// a below side wall encountered
if (theBoard[robotPosition][ BELOW] == '-' || theBoard[robotPosition + BOARD_EDGE][ ABOVE] == '-')
robotPosition += BOARD_EDGE;
theRobots[robot] = robotPosition;
struct Node
int moveNumber;
Board board;
struct Node *next;
class LinkedList
Node *getHead() const;
void addNodeToList(Node *node);
void displayList();
bool deleteNodeFromList();
Node *pHead;
pHead = NULL;
Node *LinkedList::getHead() const
return pHead;
void LinkedList::addNodeToList(Node *node)
node->next = pHead;
pHead = node;
void LinkedList::displayList()
Node *current = pHead;
cout << "List: ";
while (current != NULL)
cout << current->moveNumber;
current = current->next;
if (current == NULL)
cout << endl;
cout << "->";
cout << " Robots: ";
for (int i = 1; i <= pHead->board.getNumberOfRobots(); i++)
cout << pHead->board.getRobotAt(i) << " ";
cout << endl;
bool LinkedList::deleteNodeFromList()
if (pHead == NULL || pHead->next == NULL)
return false;
pHead = pHead->next;
return true;
void displayIdentifyingInformationAndInstructions()
// Display identifying information
cout << "Author: Dale Reed " << endl
<< "Program 6: RicoRobots in C++ " << endl
<< "TA: Billie Joe Armstrong, T 6:00 AM " << endl
<< "March 22, 2018 " << endl;
// Display Instructions
cout << "Welcome to Ricochet Robots " << endl
<< "(\'Ricochet Robot\' is a registered trademark of Hans im Glück " << endl
<< "Munich, Germany, 1999. The game was created by Alex Randolph.) " << endl
<< endl
<< "The object of the game is to get the designated numbered robot " << endl
<< "to the indicated letter position. " << endl
<< "The numbered squares are all robots. They unfortunately have " << endl
<< "no brakes, and so will continue in whatever direction they are " << endl
<< "moving until they encountar an obstacle. " << endl
<< "For each move enter the robot number and the desired direction." << endl
<< "For instance entering " << endl
<< " 1 U " << endl
<< "would move the #1 robot up as far as it can go. " << endl
<< "The first letter of input is the robot number (1 - 4), " << endl
<< "and the second letter is the direction: " << endl
<< " (L=left, U=up, R=right, D=down) " << endl
<< "Enter x to exit. Have fun! " << endl
<< endl;
}//end displayIdentifyingInformationAndInstructions()
// Asks the user to enter the game objective, i.e.
// the goal robot number and the destination letter
void getObjective(Board board, int &goalRobot, char &destinationLetter) {
char goal; // a character for user input type
// (goal robot and destination letter)
bool haveInput = false;
srand(time(NULL)); // seed rand num generator
while (!haveInput) { // loop until the user enters a valid choice
cout << "Enter 'r' for random robot and goal, 'd' for default or 's' to select: ";
cin >> goal; // get user input
goal = tolower(goal);
if (goal == 'x') {
if (goal == 's')
bool haveGoal = false;
while (!haveGoal) {
cout << "Please enter the goal robot number and the destination letter: ";
cin >> goalRobot >> destinationLetter;
destinationLetter = toupper(destinationLetter);
int destinationIndex = destinationLetter - 'A';
if (goalRobot > 0 && goalRobot <= board.getNumberOfRobots() &&
destinationIndex >= 0 && destinationIndex < board.getNumberOfDestinationPieces()) {
haveGoal = true;
else {
if (!(goalRobot > 0 && goalRobot <= board.getNumberOfRobots()))
cout << "*** Error. Invalid Robot Number. Retry Input" << endl;
else {
cout << "*** Error. Invalid Destination Letter. Retry Input" << endl;
else if (goal == 'r')
goalRobot = 1 + rand() % board.getNumberOfRobots(); // we do not use 0th robot
destinationLetter = 'A' + rand() % board.getNumberOfDestinationPieces();
else if (goal == 'd')
goalRobot = 2;
destinationLetter = 'M';
if (goal == 'd' || goal == 's' || goal == 'r'){
haveInput = true;
} // end setObjective
bool getInstaructionDisplayFlag() {
char value = 0;
while (!(value == 'f' || value == 't')) {
cout << "Enter T for true or F for false to indicate if boards and instructions will be displayed: ";
cin >> value;
value = tolower(value);
return value == 't';
// Returns true if the direction is one of U, D, R, L characters
bool isValidDirection(char direction) {
return direction == 'U' || direction == 'R' || direction == 'D' || direction == 'L';
// main() - main part of program, that drives everything else
int main()
bool haveInput;
int robot;
char command, destinationLetter, directionLetter;
Board board;
Node *node;
LinkedList history;
bool displayFlag = getInstaructionDisplayFlag();
getObjective(board, robot, destinationLetter);
int moveCount = 1;
node = new Node;
node->moveNumber = moveCount;
node->board = board;
node->next = NULL;
while (!board.isOver()) {
if (displayFlag) {
haveInput = false;
while (!haveInput) {
cout << moveCount << ". ";
cout << " Enter robot to move and direction (e.g. 2 r), x to exit or b to backup: ";
cin >> command;
if (command == 'x') { // early exit
cout << "Exiting program..." << endl;
if (command == 'b') { // undo a move
haveInput = true;
if (history.deleteNodeFromList()) {
cout << "* Undoing move *" << endl;
node = history.getHead();
moveCount = node->moveNumber;
board = node->board;
else {
cout << "*** You cannot undo past the beginning of the game. Please retry. ***" << endl;
else {
robot = command - '0'; // convert char to int
cin >> directionLetter;
directionLetter = toupper(directionLetter);
if (robot > 0 && robot <= board.getNumberOfRobots() && isValidDirection(directionLetter)) {
haveInput = true;
board.moveRobot(robot, directionLetter);
moveCount += 1;
node = new Node;
node->moveNumber = moveCount;
node->board = board;
node->next = NULL;
else {
if (!(robot > 0 && robot <= board.getNumberOfRobots()))
cout << "*** Error. Invalid Robot Number. Retry Input" << endl;
else {
cout << "*** Error. Invalid Direction. Retry Input" << endl;
if (displayFlag) {
cout << "Great Job! You did it in only " << moveCount << " moves" << endl;
}//end main()